
The rOCCI Framework

URL https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/rOCCI:ROCCI
Source EGI (European Grid Infrastructure) Cloud platform

rOCCI is a Ruby framework implementing the OCCI standard in Ruby. rOCCI Server is an interoperability tool, which interprets OCCI queries and communicates with the local cloud stack through a solution-specific backend. The status of backend development is currently as follows:

  • OpenNebula [production] – The OpenNebula Backend is a flagship product for rOCCI, routinely used at multiple sites.
  • Amazon EC2 [production] – The EC2 backend implementation has been developed and tested with Amazon Web Services. It is currently an experimental products and the documentation has yet to be compiled.
  • VMWare [considered] – Based on requests from multiple sites, a backend for VMWare products is being considered. It is not yet decided which product in the VMWare range would be targeted.
  • Windows Azure [in progress] – The implementation of an Azure backend is in early design stage. There is nothing to try out, yet.
  • CloudStack [considered] – The implementation of a CloudStack backend is in early design stage. There is nothing to try out, yet.
Last modified: 24.01.2015 12:55