=== CompatibleOne === {{tag>interoperability_tools}} | Authors | CompatibleOne Contributors | | URL | http://www.compatibleone.org/ | | Source | OpenNebula Conf | //From the CompatibleOne Web Site:// CompatibleOne is an open source project which provides a model, CORDS (CompatibleOne Resource Description System), and a platform, ACCORDS (Advanced Capabilities for CORDS), for the description and federation of different clouds comprising resources provisioned by heterogeneous cloud service providers. CompatibleOne's flexible service architecture makes it independent from any Cloud Service Provider (from OpenStack to OpenNebula, from Azure to Vcloud) and can address all types of cloud services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS , XaaS, BpaaS, …) and any type of cloud service deployment (public, private, community and hybrid). The goals of CompatibleOne are to: * provide entrepreneurs and organisations unimpeded access to cloud technologies * provide innovative platform of services, that go beyond the standard services provided by existing cloud providers * remove the constraints of vendor lock-in * provide a platform that the community can evolve rapidly and adapt according to their needs